About Us
MAEC is a group of local Christian Churches in Southeastern Connecticut, working together to bring the compassion of Christ to those in need.
We collaborate with our neighbors of other faiths to sponsor events and programs that benefit our community, and respond when there is immediate need.
Christian communities extending our mission collectively through advocacy, service, celebration, and fellowship.
Strengthen and communicate the common unity of all Christians by directing concern in involvement in the following areas:
Ecumenical Worship: to plan united services
Ecumenical Education: to provide educational opportunities for the laity and clergy
Ecumenical Outreach: to encourage joint projects of service to others
Ecumenical Fellowship: to develop opportunities for mutual understanding and social interaction
Ecumenical Emergency Fund: to procure and disperse emergency funds from MACAF (Mystic Area Churches Assistance Fund), also known as Care & Share
Officers 2024-2025
President: Carlas Pilo, carlaspilo@gmail.com
Vice-President: Sue Barker, Suejbarker212@gmail.com
Secretary: Clare Rogers, clarebare13@sbcglobal.net
Treasurer: Barbara Dixon, bdixon@tvcconnect.net
Care & Share: Thom Mason, hearthwood1@sbcglobal.net
website: Kate Poole, ktp01@mac.com
email: maecmystic@gmail.com